Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sockeye fishing on the Russian River Bow

Another great BOW event. Julia and Mary went with me. We left my house about 7:30 with our coolers full of ice for the big catch! It was a nice drive down, and then we wandered through the campground in search of the pavilion. We found the group and began with introductions and lessons on knots. Tracy Smith led the program with help from other staff members. We learned about bear safety and cutting our line if necessary. After instructions and lunch we walked down a board walk toward the river. It was somewhat slick on the rocks, but no one slipped in. I learned how to release a snagged hook, point my pole towards it and yank on the line. It worked. I also snagged my own boot and Mary's! No one caught any fish that day. At the end of the day we walked toward the sanctuary. That is an area closed to fishing where the fish move between the Russian and Kenai Rivers. It is just south of the ferry. We stood in the water and watched the fish swim swiftly around it. It was cool to see them even if we couldn't fish for them there. After fishing on the way to the santuary, we saw a black bear in the brush about 25 feet from us. The group ahead noticed first, they gathered and raised their arms to looks big and softly talked to it. We did the same as it passed. I was not too scared and this was the first time I saw a bear in the wild. On the way back we saw one across the river. It looked bigger than the first one.

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