Sunday, June 19, 2011

Flight seeing plane

On the way to Wrangell-St. Elias we decided to take a flight-seeing plane as we thought it would be a fun adventure. Also, the road there is sixty miles of gravel with a risk of railroad nails in tires. The plane held seven passengers and we were limited to thirty pound of baggage. The baggage was loaded first and then we were put in my weight order. I was the lightest so I sat in the back next to the baggage. Matt was in front of me. Don sat in the middle with two heavier people. The pilot and another person sat in front. We wore headsets on our ears so we could hear the pilot talk to us and we could also talk back and to cut down on the engine noise. Don was concerned he might get airsick, but he was fine.

We flew around for about forty-five minutes. The plane took off slowly and rose to about 7000 feet, I think. It was a smooth glide and we could see glaciers and streams, snow covered mountains and trees. I don't remember seeing any roads. We also could see the resort where we were to stay. We landed on a gravel runway. It was a fun experience.

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