Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do you believe in Reindeer?

We usually don't do the tourist trap things, but this Reindeer Farm was sort of fun. We got to feed the reindeer out of our hands. They only have back molars and bottom teeth on front and knew vcry well how to be hand fed. You just put out your hand and they licked it out. When the food was gone, just hold out your hand and they can see it is empty so they don't bother you. Their large antlers are not to be touched as they are very sensitive. They fall off each years and grow back. Sometimes they grow as much as seven inches in a day. Both males and females get antlers.

There were also those cute little elk that looked like deer. Somehow they reminded me of camel! There was also an elk which didn't look too big to me. It was fun.

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