Monday, June 21, 2010

Hiking Kenai National Park, Caines Trailhead

Another weekend, another glacier, another hike. Don continues to find hikes to challenge me. Saturday June 19, we drive to Seward about two hours south to hike the Caines Trail. This trail can only be done at low tide and leads to a WWII fort area. We take the less traveled route, not with intention. We hike along the rocky shore which is not really a trail. Some of the rocks are surrounded by small seashells, others are slick with algae which I find out the hard way by slipping to the ground. The seaweed is extremely slick. After a point we are blocked by the cliff and cannot continue. As we drive on we discover "the real trail" in a different parking lot which probably leads to the shore ie. the info that it can only be reached at low tide. Anyway we never see the fort.

After that we continue on to Kenai Fjords National Park. It has a nice trail with a great view of the glacier. The ranger told us the hour before we were there a bear was hiking on the glacier! The day is rainy, in the high 40s and we are dressed relatively lightly but stay warm with hiking. In the park there are markers where the glacier was in the past 100 or so years and we can see how much the glacier has shrunk. Global warming???? Who knows.

Saturday evening we go square dancing and they have 4 squares which is a large crowd for them.

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