Monday, June 21, 2010

Flattop in Anchorage and Hotel Alyeska in Girdwood

Sunday is Father's Day and we plan to hike Flattop in Anchorage. It is a 1.5 mile hike up 1300 ft. elevation gain. The flat peak is easily recognized among the mountains in Anchorage. Don attempted part of it in late April, but turned back because the snow was still too deep. We get to the parking lot and there is still space available which is a good sign. The hike begins on a trail that is not too steep. Later we get to a series of railroad tie stairs and eventually there is nothing but a rock scramble to the top. For me it is very challenging and I wonder how I am going to make it back down. At the very top, I feel like I am on the moon. It is flat with small rocks and very short little vegetation. It is a very foggy day, so we cannot see the view of Anchorage and beyond. On a clear day, Mt. McKinley can be seen. It took us three hours to hike to the top. We begin the descent (as if I am a real mountain climber). It is again challenging to get down but I make it. The trip down is easier than I thought and it only takes 1 hour.

Our course, I have on my bear bells which I think is the best thing I have found so far here.

We return to our B&B and later head to Hotel Aleyska in Girdwood for dinner. The resort is beautiful. We ride the tram to the top for dinner. The tram driver tells us the ski season just ended that week. One of the peaks got 880 inches of snow the past season. He said it is the longest double black diamond ungroomed slope in North America. Not for me! We have drinks, appetizers and dessert and enjoy the view.

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