Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First few of days June 4-7, 2010

I fly in about 10:30 pm and it is still daylight....weird. It was interesting flying in during complete daylight. Part of Canada (I assume) was so snow covered all I could see was white. The clouds and then more whiteness. As we approached Alaska, I could see black mountains with snow still on the top. It is very pretty, vast and undeveloped. Anchorage is not the prettiest city I have ever seen. Most of the houses are somewhat drab colors and wood siding, somewhat boxy with no details to enhance them. The downtown area has some nicer hotels and many so-so blah ones. Don and I initially go to the Crow's Nest for a drink. It is about 11:30 and still daylight.

Saturday, we go on a hike near Hotel Alyeska Ski Resort in Girdwood about an hour south of Anchorage. Before our hike we purchase bear spray and read directions. Fortunately, it is not necessary, but I observe most people on the hike have it also. Don says sometimes people carry guns and we should think about buying one. I don't know about that..... We see many groups of hikers and most have an "Alaskan" style dog with them. It is an easy hike on a nice trail in a "temperate rainforest" (who knew in Alaska). I guess because of the denseness of the trees. At one point we go over a roaring river on a hand tram. It is a little cage like box with a rope pulley to get across, both clever and efficient. The trail is part of the historic Iditarod Trail. At one end is the hotel and the other is an old gold mine, Crow Creek Mine which is now a tourist trap. After the hike we go to the plush hotel and have drinks and apps. At some point we hope to return and take the tram to the top of the mountain.

Sunday, we attend our first church service at St. Elizabeth Anne Seton. It is a small parish near our rental house. The music and priest are fine.

We then head down the Seward Highway to Whittier timing it to arrive so the mountain tunnel 2.5 miles is heading west. It is a single lane tunnel which reverses directions each half hour. The cost is $12. We go on a 26 glacier cruise for about 5 hours. It is very pretty with many waterfalls and glaciers. We see lots of sea otters swimming or sunning on small icebergs. One of the fjords is called College and has glacier names of many northeast colleges including Yale and Harvard. Some of the glaciers are aqua blue. We observes only small parts breaking off and falling into the water. There are many waterfalls and the water temp is about 45 degrees F. The US forest service has a ranger on board that talks about various types of glaciers and wildlife in the area. He refers to the bears as brownies and blackies! He says the otters fur prevents the cold water from ever touching their skin.

Don checks out some of the local businesses for a potential kayak trip to the area.

On the way back we are looking for potential places to kayak. We stop near one and begin a hike. When we see scat (from a bear or moose perhaps) we head back to the car and head back to Anchorage.

Monday, I begin life alone and not touristing. My car arrives and I explore nearby including a car wash for my filthy car! I go the the 5th street mall which is very nice. I find a cute tea shop and the Alaska Fur shop. I talk to the elderly gentleman who tries to sell me everything. He is nice and lets me feel the beaver and other furs. Beaver is extremely soft and dark brown. I grocery shop and in the evening we go to round dancing after dinner.

Our B&B is fine, but not fancy. We have kitchen privileges to cook. We have darkout shades to sleep as it is very daylight nearly all of the time. It has a nice courtyard in the front. The temp now is low 60s.


  1. Wow! What beautiful sceanery! Alaska really is beautiful. I'm so glad that you are getting to see some of the sites and thanks too for sharing it with us.

  2. Those are awesome pictures Denice! I had to get the link to your blog from Iryna. That tells me a lot! Now I really want to come visit! Guess you're getting ready to move into the house soon!

  3. Wow, the scenery is really gorgeous! Hi, Denice. Nice to see your picture, and glad to know that you are having fun there. Alaska has an exotic beauty that makes me thrilled. Now I feel I found a perfect place to cool off the Texas heat. I will look for more pictures and stories.
