Saturday, July 23, 2011

Charter Fishing in Seward

I am a fisherwoman! I was the first person to hit the legal limit of the day. Two halibut, three silver salmon and two rockfish. Everyone on our boat of about twelve people hit the legal limit--hurrah! The event began with Don, Bob Strathman and I getting up early to be on the boat at 6:30 am after breakfast. We were given the safety instructions and then took off out to sea. Fortunately, the seas were calm. Don had a seasickness patch and I had taken dramamine, just in case. First we went fishing for halibut who swim near the bottom. We were told to lower our lines to the bottom and then crank up three times. The poles were heavy and had four pound weights on them. There was a metal rod holder and our poles were laced to the boat so they wouldn't go off if we dropped them. We could tell when the pole bent that we had a hit and then wait about 30 seconds for them to eat the bait which was fish. After that release the pole from the holder and reel it. It was pretty heavy and hard to reel it, but the halibut don't give much of a fight at all. Next we switched to silver salmon, the pole and hook were much smaller and were not tied on. These fish swim about 20 feet below the surface so we lowered the hook just that far. Then when we felt a tug, raise the pole to set the hook and yell "Fish on" as usual so the captain or helper could come with the net. Mine did not give much of a fight, but Don and Bob each had a fighter who tried to take off before being reeled in. We each also caught rockfish. They are sort of ugly and short. In the end we took home about 32 pounds of fish. It was a fun day. Occasionally our lines would get tangled with another person, but it wasn't a big deal.
After I was finished fishing, I enjoyed taking photos. The captain and mate filleted our fish for us. We took them somewhere on the dock to be vacuum sealed while we had dinner and then drove home. Fun day!

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