Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cross country skiing at Kincaid

Today Don and I went with our friends, Kitty and Mark, on a 5K ski outing. This week we had the first snow of 2011, so it was really the first time we could be out again. The course was groomed and I did really well, only falling once on a big hill with a curve. It was warm at about 28 degrees with little or no wind. It was fun. We saw a large moose as we were leaving the park. We are having quite bit more daylight now... up to about six hours!

I am never ceased to be amazed at the Alaskan things. I saw a family out with a small child about four learning to ski. The mom had a ski stroller ( for lack of a better word) which I had never seen before. It was like a jogging stroller with ski blades! Sorry no picture.

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