Sunday, August 12, 2012

Halibut Fishing in Homer

Our day began quite early as we were to meet our captain at 6 am.  We motored out for an hour to a depth of about eighty feet deep.  Our captain had  been in the business about three decades and is going to retire at the end of the month.  We each caught two halibut and an additional two for the captain.   Each halibut was about twenty pounds.  To fish, one simply drops the weighted line with a dead mackerel and weights for a tug on the line.  Then reel in.  It is fairly heavy to reel in, but halibut don't give much of a fight.

A crew came and took our fish from the boat to filet them and send them for processing, packaging.  We kept one filet for dinner that night.  Yum.

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