Monday, May 16, 2011

Whale watch in Seward

Don, Matt and I went on a grey whale watch May 7th.
The grey ones were not to be found, but we did see many orcas and humpback whales. Some were only about thirty feet from our boat and very cool to see. We also saw puffins, common murres and mew gulls. There were four dall sheep on the mountain side. I think the naturalist on board said their only know predator was mother nature when they fall of off the steep cliffs they climb! We also saw dozens of sea lions sunny themselves on large rock outcroppings. The weather was sunny and in the high 50s.

The drive down was beautiful, and I was surprised to see how much snow was still on the mountains and just off the road.

Hike from Eagle River Nature Center

Last Tuesday, I went with the APWC hiking group to the hike from the nature center in Eagle River. Some of the trail was along side of the river. About a dozen women went on the hike. The initial trail was flat with stones covering it. Later the trail became covered with roots and larger rocks. My group hiked about five miles. It was a pretty hike and a very nice sunny spring day. Connie, Mary and Joanne are in the picture with me.

Smoking Salmon


When in AK, do as Alaskans! One of Don's coworkers invited us to learn how to smoke salmon. We met at his house with our fish. I brought silvers which was all we had, but we learned it is better to use reds! Anyway first we cut the fish with skin on into uniform size pieces. Next we made a brine of a strong salt solution with brown sugar and some spices including hot spices. Next, the fish had to soak for a few hours. We then rinsed the fish lightly and put them on paper to dry overnight. The next day the fish were put into a smoker and smoked for about eight hours. After that, we vacuum sealed them for future use. Delicious!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring outings

Well the snow has melted on the trail (even if it doesn't look like it), and spring outings are beginning again. On April 19th, I joined the hikers for a snow shoe in Eagle River. Much of the snow had melted so it was too late to cross country ski. I am a beginner at snow shoes and with the lack of snow it was more difficult. I went for a distance and then turned around to head to Vickie's for a delightful buffet. We saw evidence (scat) of bears, but no live ones!

The hike On May 3 began at McHugh Creek. Most of the group went six miles. I was lucky to find a group only going four miles. It had some nice views and some inclines, but I did okay.

Last week May 10, we decided to bike along the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail It was about 18 miles and I surprised some by being a much stronger biker, than hiker. (Easier on the old knees). Afterwards we had a delightful lunch at Eileen's.