Friday, October 22, 2010

Power line trail

Last Friday and today the walking group hiked Powerline trail. It is named such because a large powerline goes through it. It is useful as a landmark to prevent getting lost. It is a popular hike and relatively flat. At higher elevations, a nice view of the city is seen. Last week the trail was snow covered, but today the snow had melted and it was about 40 degrees.

We went there because moose are very plentiful this time of year. They are still fun to see from a distance, but we are cautious if they are near the trail. About a dozen people were with us. It is fun to walk and talk with various people along the way.

The sun was just rising over the mountain at about ten o'clock. The vegetation had a heavy frost/ice which was pretty. A few spots were slick.

1 comment:

  1. Did I thank you for the link to your blog? I'm really enjoying it and appreciate the time it must take to put together! Thanks!
