Monday, September 20, 2010

The little town of Hope,

We keep thinking each weekend will be the last of the nice weather so we try to take advantage of it. We went on a 5K Heart Walk in town this morning and in the late afternoon went on a fall foliage tour. The trees here are mainly Birch and they just turn yellow, not all of the glorious colors of the northeast. Anyway, it was sort of cool weather, but a nice day.
One of Don's co-workers told him about a concert event going on the in the little town of Hope. Hope has one restaurant, one bar, a coffee shop, and a one room school house of sorts and a library. It also has a museum of some historical items. We had dinner at the Seaview Cafe and luckily someone offered us a seat at his table since it only had about four tables and they were all full. He recommended the halibut chowder which was pretty good. We stayed after and heard the band on the deck. I was decked out in warm clothes as it was in the 40s. I guess the band is famous locally and it was the end of the season party. Hope has a small RV/ campground where people stay when fishing. The deck was full of young people dancing and drinking.

The fireweed plant has turned to white plumes at the top indicating winter is near.

It was very foggy on the way home and we were tired.

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