Sunday, August 29, 2010

AK State Fair --Land of the midnight sun

Today we went to the fair. It was a surprisingly nice day considering I think it has rained 35 of the last 40 days. Anyway, I was most excited to see the giant cabbage. It wasn't quite as big as I would have expected about 30 inches across or so. It weighed 86 pounds and in front of it was a record breaking 76 inch zucchini. The giant pumpkin was pretty impressive at 902 pounds.

The fairground is in Palmer about 45 miles away. It was pretty nice with paved paths and many vendor stands which we mainly ignored. The flowers were everywhere and quite pretty with all of the rain and some sun.

We saw a goat being milked, a bird show of exotic birds including a South American Condor, and a horse acrobatic show. Two horses were running in a circle parallel to each other and a man had one foot on each horse. Then a lady jumped on and did acrobatic events such as ride on his shoulders while he was on the horses. We saw some so-so bands play and some young Irish dancers. We sat in the sun and had wine and cheese. It was a pretty good day at the fair!

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