Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ice storms

Two days in a row of severe ice storms up to 1/3 inch on the roads. it is unusual for it to be warm enough to rain. Today the schools including the University of Alaska were closed. Good day to catch up on things inside.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Reality check.....I live in Alaska!

Reality check .... it is now winter (at least by my standards!) According to the Anchorage Daily News this year is only the eleventh time since 1939 when record keeping began that the first snow occurred in November. On Nov 2, 3 and 4 we received about 2-4 inches each day. I see a pattern beginning to form. October was about ten degrees warmer than normal.

Matt's new occupation is going to be chief snow blower! He and Don have begun to practice how to use our newest AK necessity.

I have acquired "granny grips" for my boots which are like steel cleats that hook on. Some parking lots and our street are a sheet of ice as you can see in the picture. People say this year because it is warmer than usual we have a mix of rain/ice/snow instead of just snow. Later when it is colder, it will be just snow and less slick.

Oh and also the days are getting shorter. It is weird to drive somewhere at 9:30 in the morning with car lights on and it is still dark outside. We lose about five minutes per day and now have about 8 hours of daylight.

Yesterday I drove by a car that had spun around into a center median and today I saw a car off the road and abandoned near by house. Note to self: better put a tow truck number in my cell phone.

I am still happy to have made new friends to socialize with. Yesterday, I played Mahjongg and Monday had bridge for 18 ladies at my house. Today I went to the gym for water aerobics.

So far my Prius is doing fine although I admit to being slightly intimidated by the SUV type vehicles which are about 80% of the cars on the road.

I guess six more months of winter. Hope I like to cross country ski....lessons begin at the end of the month!